New Orleans, LA | May 7, 2015 | Family Photography
As a photographer you have to LOVE families like this one!!! So laid back, funny, relaxed, and just had a good time with shoot. My favorite part of a family shoot is getting to see the family be just that, a family, no pressure to get the "perfect" pose. Let the kids be kids, let them be involved, and get use to me pointing this scary camera at them. [Oh yes, that camera is a scary monster for some kids] That shot will come but only when you just "Let it Go!" (a lil overdone? probably) and be yourself and have fun.
I know the most stressful parts of planning a family portrait is the outfits and getting everyone dressed and out the door on time and everyone in a good mood. Do you need help with ideas on what to wear? I got ya!!! Do you need help getting your family dressed and out the door on time? Can't help you there...we're still working on that in our household. LOL!
Best advice is to PLAN, PLAN, PLAN ahead!!! Get a date booked far enough in advance that you have time to maneuver schedules and activities, pick out those outfits and most important that your photographer (that's ME) has availability. Don't plan activities right before or right after. That can affect everyones mood!!! As parents...keep calm and kids will be calm. Husbands: HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE! I'm just saying! SECRET RIGHT HERE: Have fun!!! All those Pinterest shots look great but is that really your family? I think we all want that amazing shot but ultimately that shot is just being yourself! That is what memories are made of, your sons crazy faces, your little girls shy smiles, your families laughter. Believe me that is what you want to see a few years down the road!!!