Slidell, LA | February 17, 2016 | Beckham

Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, Beckham!!!!  This beautiful baby boy was such a cute little snuggler for his session!  Let me just say that I'm so in awe of his Mommy!!!  She managed to stay 100% fit throughout her pregnancy and looked amazing all the way through!  She also had a great delivery!!!  Goals I wish I would have aspired to with both of my pregnancies...cause I certainly was the opposite!!!

So what are your pregnancy goals?  Are you looking to stay fit throughout? Or are you just looking to have a relaxing pregnancy with out worrying about all that mess (that was me BTW)?Disclaimer: I am not a doctor...but I hear that you should not start a workout routine while pregnant if that hasn't been part of your consult a doctor first.  

Here are some articles if you are looking to start a fitness routine prior to getting pregnant or perhaps to mix up your current routine if you are a practicing fit mama:

10 Top Pregnancy Diet & Exercise Tips: Click Here

5 Yoga Moves That Strengthen Your Body for Birth:  Click Here

What Is The Best Workout For Pregnant Women: Click Here

Exercising and Pregnancy: How to Plan Your Strength Training Workouts: Click Here

Healthy Eating During Your Pregnancy: Click Here

Clearly these aren't the end all be all and ultimately it is all personal preference.  This momma here just inspired me to ALMOST want to be pregnant again just to do it in a FIT way.  But seriously I'll just dream about that instead!